Are there any utilities/tools in wM to test publish/subscribe to the broker without hand coding test clients.
Are there any utilities/tools in wM to test publish/subscribe to the broker without hand coding test clients.
First of all a grt user name.
Now to your question, check out the Publish/Subscribe sample provided on advantage site by webMethods. It clearly explains all the concepts of how to publish/subscribe documents.
You can create a publishable document and publish the document using the developer.
Create a flow service that accepts the published document. Perhaps you retrieve the message from the document and write it to the server log using pub.flow:debugLog.
Create a trigger and point it to the flow you just created. Make sure you specify the full namespace for the document name in the input signature of the flow service.
You can also use the Test->Run function in Developer to publish a documentType. Just open the docType and then select Test->Run. Developer will display a dialog box to allow you to choose whether to publish locally or to the broker. Very handy for testing triggers or sending docs to other Broker clients connected to the same broker as IS.
Dear Munna
To see the documents getting published and subscribed you can use Document Tracker tool which is avialbe in advatnage site .