I’m using IS 6.1 on a Linux System with Kernel Version 2.6.5-7.191-smp.
The Problem is when a customer sens us some XML FIles via AS2 the IS runs out of threads. I increased the maximum threads to 1000, but it does not help. it seems that the jvm does not free the threads.
When i do reprocess in TN i do not have this problem…
please help because every week our system goes down.
Can you share more detail about the process? What is the configuration of the processing rules? Do they invoke services sync or async? Is there some sort of document splitting going on?
Is the customer creating a 1000 connections and sending things all at once? If so, then that customer is overrunning your IS. Two options: scale up your environment to handle the number of simultaneous connections that are expected or ask the partner to throttle back.