I have 32 lines of comments that I would like to display to the user for update and edit. I tried the textgrid but of course that does not work really because the user cannot edit the lines. I was thinking of using a textbox, but I am not sure how to get the data from Natural to the textbox and back.
What is the best control to use for displaying the comments section (without having to parse the textbox for individual lines).
I tried the two grids you mention but seems like I might have to try another approach.
What I am trying to avoid is having to define an array of 32 lines (from ADABAS - MU field) as 32 fields on the application designer screen. I am not sure how to avoid doing this though.
The problem with the grids is that I want the user to be able to edit all the text in the 32 lines.
I tried another approach but does not exactly do what I want. I compress the 32 lines into the TEXTBOX field, but use ASCII ‘OD’ (carriage return) at the end of each line to force the text box to keep the formaing of text lines. The data is displayed correctly on the screen. But when I get the data back from the screen, I have to then check the textbox field for the hex’0D’ and then SEPARATE the data back into the textlines array.
It would be nice if there was an easier way to handle data that is in a MU or PE array.
I am not sure to understand why you don’t want to use the Tablerowarea2
Of course your table takes 32 lines, but if your data consists of an array of 32 occurences… If your array is up to 32 occurences and you want to be able to add or delete lines you should use the managed grid.
If you use continuous text maybe your idea of textbox is ok but I don’t see how you could avoid joining and splitting the lines.
Maybe with some more Info I can have a better understanding of what you want to do.
The fieldlist should work also but I thought the fieldlist was more a horizontal array. But I have never really looked into a possibility to have a vertircal fieldlist.
Tell me if this works I am curious.