
How should I use this js library in my VBScript using ASP?

I’ve been trying like this example.ASP:

Set PageSize = 0
Set DataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/database/col
Set Query = “dok”
Set Client = Server.CreateObject(“TaminoClient(DataBase, PageSize)”)
Set XMLObject = Client.query(Query)
Set XSLObject = Server.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”)
If (XSLObject.loadXML(str) <> 0) Then
Response.Write XSLObject.parseError.reason
Response.Write XMLObject.DOM.transformNode(XSLObject.documentElement)
End If



Set Client = Server.CreateObject(“TaminoClient(DataBase, PageSize)”)

doesn’t work. :frowning:

How should I create object TaminoClient in ASP file? :eek:

Dariusz Baumann

Hard stuff.

CreateObject only works on something that has been registered as a DLL.

Your options are IMHO

1)Write the ASP page in Jscript and use TaminoClient.js (with added <% and %>
2)Use the Tamino Active X Control and VBScript

write a Jscript function

function newTaminoClient()
return (new TaminoClient());
and rewrite your code something like this

Set PageSize = 0
Set DataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/database/col
Set Query = “dok”
Set Client = newTaminoClient()
Set Client.pageSize=PageSize
Set Client.XMLDB=Database
Set XMLObject = Client.query(Query)
Set XSLObject = Server.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”)
If (XSLObject.loadXML(str) <> 0) Then
Response.Write XSLObject.parseError.reason
Response.Write XMLObject.DOM.transformNode(XSLObject.documentElement)
End If


This MIGHT work - but it scares me a bit

Hello again!

I have been trying in my file example.ASP, like this:

function newTaminoClient()
return (new TaminoClient());

dim PageSize, DataBase, Query, Client, XMLObject
PageSize = 0
DataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/database/col
Query = “dok”
Client = newTaminoClient()
XMLObject = Client.query(Query)
Set XSLObject = Server.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”)
If (XSLObject.loadXML(str) <> 0) Then
Response.Write XSLObject.parseError.reason
Response.Write XMLObject.DOM.transformNode(XSLObject.documentElement)
End If

but it doesn’t work. IE6 returned message error “Type mismatch” in line

Client = newTaminoClient()

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

so, it seems like impossible to return object of type TaminoClient into VBScript in file ASP in this way !? :confused: :confused:

Any ideas how to fix this code will be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Best Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann

I don’t know if this solves your problem, but this is something worth to check:
Make sure you have MSXML3.DLL installed on your system (check if winnt\system32\msxml3.dll exists). If it doesn’t, the JSCript API will not work and the error messages are not very obvious.
BTW: Having only MSXML4.DLL does not help - it does not include all MSXML3.DLL functionality.

I can’t think why this wouldn’t work.

As I said before - I would use the Tamino Active X control if you want to write using VBScript - lots of people have done this successfully.

Or do it all in Jscript

I don’t know if this solves your problem, but this is something worth to check:
Make sure you have MSXML3.DLL installed on your system (check if winnt\system32\msxml3.dll exists).

I has checked and c:\winnt\system32\msxml3.dll exists and it is loaded. :eek:

So, why is type mismatch on ASP page? :frowning:

Dariusz Baumann

I can’t think why this wouldn’t work.

On your machine it works? :o

As I said before - I would use the Tamino Active X control if you want to write using VBScript

So tell me what should I do to make this ASP page working good! :confused:

I should use ISAPI filters like: modiis.dll and NodeLevelUpdate.dll? :confused: :confused:
If yes please write in simple steps what should I do. :slight_smile: Thanks for support!

Or do it all in Jscript

Must I rewrite from beginning TaminoLib.js in JScript? :eek: :o :mad: :confused: :confused:

Dariusz Baumann

Here’s a small example of VBScript ASP Page using the Tamino ActiveX control. Steps to implement:

  • Register the Tamino ActiveX control on your server.The command to do this is “regsvr32 TaminoX.ocx” from a command prompt in the directory where taminox.ocx exists (eg .\Tamino\SDK\ActiveX).

  • Install the attached asp page and stylesheet in your root web directory

  • Change the asp page “DataBase” field to point to your RealEstate database. Change the “DocumentID” field to match the ino:id of a Property record that exists.

  • Make sure the MSXML3 ActiveX is also registered on your server (see my FAQ at FAQ for how to do this).

  • Load URL http:///prop3.asp into your browser


[This message was edited by Bill Leeney on 14 Mar 2002 at 15:17.]
PropExample.zip (1.45 KB)

First of all, Great thanks for example! :slight_smile:

Here is the points what I have done:

1) I registerd the Tamino ActiveX control on my server by executing the command “regsvr32 TaminoX.ocx” from a command prompt in the directory c:\program files\Software AG\Tamino\SDK\ActiveX).

2) I installed the attached YOUR asp page and stylesheet in my root web directory “c:\inetpub\wwwroot\activeX”

3) I changed the asp page “DataBase” field to point to my database and I change the “DocumentID” field to match the ino:id of a my property record that exists.

4) I made sure the MSXML3 ActiveX is also registered on my server.

5) I loaded URL http://localhost/activeX\prop3.asp into my browser, and I got error message that “requested object cannot be reached”

:confused: :mad: :eek:

What can I else do to fix this problem? :frowning:

Best Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann

OK, so what happens in each of these cases:


  1. http://localhost

    Opens my local page:
    http://darekb/localstart.asp :slight_smile:

    2) http://localhost/activex/Property.xsl (You should see the stylesheet displayed as xml document

    Yes, It works, but my url is different because I loaded in xsl style into TAMINO. :slight_smile:

    3) http://server/tamino/database/Property/Property/@n
    where n is your chosen ino:id (you should see your Property document displayed as xml)

    It works pretty good. :slight_smile:

    So, what can I do else to fix my problem with ASP? :slight_smile:

    Thanks for YOUR support!

    Best Regards from POLAND
    Dariusz Baumann

So now it looks like a problem loading the stylesheet. The supplied example uses Server.MapPath to append the physical file system location of the asp page to the literal “Property.xsl” to determine where to find the stylesheet in the server’s file system. What exactly is your XSLDoc.load statement? If you’re loading from a URL you should drop the “Server.MapPath” part and just use

XSLDoc.Load “your URL”

If it still doesn’t work, to debug further please add a line of code to the example asp page as shown:


If XSLDoc.parseError <> 0 Then
Response.Write "Error loading stylesheet: "
Response.Write XSLDoc.parseError.reason
Response.Write XMLDoc.transformNode(XSLDoc)
End If

Then rerun and tell us exactly what error messages you get. This will confirm whether or not the problem is in loading the stylesheet object.

Stylesheet load problem?

I think yes! But how to fix it?

So now it looks like a problem loading the stylesheet. The supplied example uses Server.MapPath to append the physical file system location of the asp page to the literal “Property.xsl” to determine where to find the stylesheet in the server’s file system. What exactly is your XSLDoc.load statement? If you’re loading from a URL you should drop the “Server.MapPath” part and just use
XSLDoc.Load “your URL”

My URL is correct. I have been trying to load my stylesheet FROM DATABASE TAMINO ! This stylesheet EXISTS.

If it still doesn’t work, to debug further please add a line of code to the example asp page as shown:
Then rerun and tell us exactly what error messages you get. This will confirm whether or not the problem is in loading the stylesheet object.

I HAVE WRITEEN THIS REASON MESSAGE ERROR ON MY FIRST POST. After adding, your line I got EXACTLY this error messages:

"Error loading stylesheet
System nie m

A file system load is not the same as a http load when you are running server-side. There is an article at Microsoft that explains in some detail why loading xml over http using load method might not work. Can you please test my example as it was originally provided, using the server’s file system to store your stylesheet. That might not be want you want your application to do for real, but the purpose of the example is to demonstrate the use of the Tamino ActiveX control from VBScript, not to show you how to load a stylesheet from Tamino.

If you want really must use http to load the stylesheet, you can try replacing the load code with:


Set XSLConn = Server.CreateObject(“MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP”)
XSLConn.Open “GET”, “your URL”, False
XSLDoc.loadXML XSLConn.responseText

If XSLDoc.parseError <> 0 Then
…as before…

This might fix your problem.

Or even better, if the xml and the stylesheet are both in Tamino, use the ActiveX to get them both like this:


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim xmlPageSize,xmlDatabase,xmlDocumentID,xmlClient,xmlDoc
Dim xslPageSize,xslDatabase,xslDocumentID,xslClient,xslDoc

xmlPageSize = 0
xmlDataBase = “http://server/tamino/RealEstate/Property
xmlDocumentID = “Property/@1
Set xmlClient = Server.CreateObject(“TAMINOX.TaminoX1”)
Set xmlDoc = xmlClient.getDocument(xmlDocumentID)

xslPageSize = 0
xslDataBase = “http://server/tamino/xml2/Stylesheets
xslDocumentID = “xsl:stylesheet/@3
Set xslClient = Server.CreateObject(“TAMINOX.TaminoX1”)
Set xslDoc = xslClient.getDocument(xslDocumentID)

Response.Write xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc)




…or better…

Better? :confused: For sure, it is NOT better idea! :o

Your attached code about creating object TAMINOX doesn’t work, at all! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

IE6PL displays “Required object xmlDoc”! :mad: :mad: :mad:

By the way, Thanks a lot for support :slight_smile: , but sorry it doesn’t work your example! :frowning:

How can I fix it this problem?

Best Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann

A file system load is not the same as a http load when you are running server-side.

You are right!

NOW my project works with TAMINO, very good! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I changed my VBScript like this:

Dim DataBase, StyleSheet
DataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/myDatabase/col?_xql=dok
Query = “[surname=‘Baumann’]”
Stylesheet = “http://localhost/tamino/myDatabase/col/style/First.xsl

Set xmlcon = Server.CreateObject(“MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP”)

xmlcon.Open “GET”, DataBase+Query, False

Set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”)
xmldoc.async = false
xmldoc.loadxml xmlcon.responseText

If xmldoc.parseError <> 0 Then
Response.Write “Error loading data from TAMINO”
Response.Write “OK loading data!”
End If

Set xslcon = Server.CreateObject(“MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP”)
xslcon.Open “GET”, StyleSheet, False

Set xsldoc = Server.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”)
xsldoc.async = false
xsldoc.loadxml xslcon.responseText

If xsldoc.parseError <> 0 Then
Response.Write “Error loading XSL stylesheet”
Response.Write “OK loading stylesheet”
Response.Write XMLDoc.transformNode(xsldoc.documentElement)
End If

ONCE AGAIN great thanks a lot, Bill Leeney!

Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann


Hi Bil! :slight_smile:

I think our conversation should be continued in private until we resolve
your problem - the diagnostic process is probably not interesting to other
people. When the issue is resolved, I’ll make a closing post.

I think that it is ALMOST good time to closing this topic, but I have one doubt (about using “@” character to load stylesheet from TAMINO, properly). Read below! :slight_smile:

In the last example I sent you, we create two instances of TAMINOX.TaminoX1,
one for the xml and one for the xsl.
These are populated from two URLs in my post, which relate to my server and
must be changed for yours.

First these two variables determine the source xml location:

xmlDataBase = “http://server/tamino/RealEstate/Property
xmlDocumentID = “Property/@1

Presumably you changed these to reflect your actual document location?

Yes, I changed it of course! :slight_smile:

What happens if you post your values of these variables directly into a
browser, separated only by a slash “/”, like this:

http://server/tamino/RealEstate/Property/Property/@1 (substitute your actual
data values of course).
Do you see the xml you expect?

Unfortunately, no! I cannot see any xml data!

Similarly what happens if you attempt to access your stylesheet using the
same technique and your values of xslDataBase and xslDocumentID?
Do you see your stylesheet?

I cannot load my stylesheet which is stored in TAMINO by character “@”. I don’t know how should I use this posibility. Can you help me?

This is my FIXED script: :slight_smile:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

Dim xmlPageSize, xmlDatabase, xmlDocumentID, xmlClient, xmlDocDim
Dim xslPageSize, xslDatabase, xslDocumentID, xslClient, xslDoc
xmlPageSize = 0
xmlDataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/DataBase/col
xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@10
Set xmlClient = Server.CreateObject(“TAMINOX.TaminoX1”)
Set xmlDoc = xmlClient.getDocument(xmlDocumentID)
xslPageSize = 0
xslDataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/DataBase/col/style
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl”
Set xslClient = Server.CreateObject(“TAMINOX.TaminoX1”)
Set xslDoc = xslClient.getDocument(xslDocumentID)
Response.Write xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc)

NOW this project ALSO works using TAMINIX object, very good! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

ONCE AGAIN great thanks a lot, Bill Leeney!

Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann



In my script I used:
xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@10
instead of
xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@1

So, I don’t know why value 10 is good (value 1 is not good) and what from this value depends? Can you explain me? Thanks, Bill!


I also used:
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl”
instead of
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl/@value

where value is for example 10. I have been trying from 1 to 20 value but none of these value wasn’t properly, so I coudln’t see any my stylesheet.

Only when I used:
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl”
I got my stylesheet.

Can you explain me why it is and how should I use character “@” to load my stylesheet from TAMINO?

Great thanks, for Your support, Bil! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The “@” character followed by means "the xml record with attribute “@ino:id” = .
Hence your difficulty - it only works when a stylesheet record with that ino:id exists.

You stored your stylesheet with a document name (…“First.xsl”), which you can also use to retrieve your document directly.

Let’s close.

[This message was edited by Bill Leeney on 18 Mar 2002 at 15:10.]

The “@” character followed by means "the xml record with attribute “@ino:id” = .
Hence your difficulty - it only works when a stylesheet record with that ino:id exists.
You stored your stylesheet with a document name (…“First.xsl”), which you can also use to retrieve your document directly.

Ok. Thanks for explaining. I undestand the point of solution for xsl stylesheet :cool: , but I DO NOT undestand :frowning: why the following line in my asp file using vbscript: xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@1” is NOT good! (only good is line xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@10”). :frowning: :frowning:

Can you explain it, Bil?

Thanks for support! :cool:

Best Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann