Hi Bil!
I think our conversation should be continued in private until we resolve
your problem - the diagnostic process is probably not interesting to other
people. When the issue is resolved, I’ll make a closing post.
I think that it is ALMOST good time to closing this topic, but I have one doubt (about using “@” character to load stylesheet from TAMINO, properly). Read below!
In the last example I sent you, we create two instances of TAMINOX.TaminoX1,
one for the xml and one for the xsl.
These are populated from two URLs in my post, which relate to my server and
must be changed for yours.
First these two variables determine the source xml location:
xmlDataBase = “http://server/tamino/RealEstate/Property”
xmlDocumentID = “Property/@1”
Presumably you changed these to reflect your actual document location?
Yes, I changed it of course!
What happens if you post your values of these variables directly into a
browser, separated only by a slash “/”, like this:
http://server/tamino/RealEstate/Property/Property/@1 (substitute your actual
data values of course).
Do you see the xml you expect?
Unfortunately, no! I cannot see any xml data!
Similarly what happens if you attempt to access your stylesheet using the
same technique and your values of xslDataBase and xslDocumentID?
Do you see your stylesheet?
I cannot load my stylesheet which is stored in TAMINO by character “@”. I don’t know how should I use this posibility. Can you help me?
This is my FIXED script:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim xmlPageSize, xmlDatabase, xmlDocumentID, xmlClient, xmlDocDim
Dim xslPageSize, xslDatabase, xslDocumentID, xslClient, xslDoc
xmlPageSize = 0
xmlDataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/DataBase/col”
xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@10”
Set xmlClient = Server.CreateObject(“TAMINOX.TaminoX1”)
Set xmlDoc = xmlClient.getDocument(xmlDocumentID)
xslPageSize = 0
xslDataBase = “http://localhost/tamino/DataBase/col/style”
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl”
Set xslClient = Server.CreateObject(“TAMINOX.TaminoX1”)
Set xslDoc = xslClient.getDocument(xslDocumentID)
Response.Write xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc)
NOW this project ALSO works using TAMINIX object, very good!
ONCE AGAIN great thanks a lot, Bill Leeney!
Regards from POLAND
Dariusz Baumann
In my script I used:
xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@10”
instead of
xmlDocumentID = “/dok/@1”
So, I don’t know why value 10 is good (value 1 is not good) and what from this value depends? Can you explain me? Thanks, Bill!
I also used:
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl”
instead of
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl/@value”
where value is for example 10. I have been trying from 1 to 20 value but none of these value wasn’t properly, so I coudln’t see any my stylesheet.
Only when I used:
xslDocumentID = “/First.xsl”
I got my stylesheet.
Can you explain me why it is and how should I use character “@” to load my stylesheet from TAMINO?
Great thanks, for Your support, Bil!