Please, assist with a working example of the replaceChild(…) method of the TaminoClient java class.
Looking forward for you reply.
Thank you.
Please, assist with a working example of the replaceChild(…) method of the TaminoClient java class.
Looking forward for you reply.
Thank you.
I have this in some test code:
public static final void replace(int inoid, String number ) throws Exception {
TaminoClient tamino = new TaminoClient( TAMINO_DB );
TaminoResult tr = tamino.getByID(inoid, “Telephone”, “entry”);
Document doc = tr.getDocument();
BasicElement bnr=new BasicElement(doc,“nr”);
bnr.appendChild(new BasicText(doc,number));
NodeList nl = bnr.getChildNodes();
System.out.println( “replace value = " + nl.item(0).getNodeValue() +” @“+inoid);
tamino.replaceChild(”/Telephone/entry/@"+inoid,“entry/nr[5]”, bnr );
catch (com.softwareag.tamino.API.dom.TaminoError e){
System.out.println("Tamino Error Text: " + e.errorText );
System.out.println("Tamino Error Code: " + e.responseCode );