Tamino DataSet

I tried to create a dataset using the following code from an aspx page.
tb1.Text = “for $b in input()/Property/Address return {$b/State}{$b/Zip}{$b/City}”

Dim adapter As TaminoDataAdapter
Dim con As TaminoConnection
Dim tcommand As TaminoCommand
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim reader As XmlTextReader
Dim query2 As TaminoQuery


con = New TaminoConnection(“”)

tcommand = con.CreateCommand(“APISimpleSamples”)


adapter = New TaminoDataAdapter(tcommand)
adapter.Behavior = TaminoAdapterBehavior.ReadOnly
ds = New DataSet
reader = New XmlTextReader(“c://inetpub//wwwroot//TestareTamino//alta_schema.xsd”)
adapter.FillSchema(ds, reader)
query2 = New TaminoQuery(tb1.Text)
adapter.Fill(ds, query2)
Dim tt As TaminoQueryResponse
Label1.Text = adapter.Query.ToString()
'Apasa.Text= count.ToString()
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds
DataGrid1.DataMember = “Address”
Catch ex As Exception

Label1.Text = ex.ToString()
End Try

and the dataset set seems to be empty.

If I run the same code from a Windows form everythink is ok.
Does anyone know what is the explanation?
Thank you very much

Am I right in thinking that the DataSet is just empty and that there is no exception thrown?

Yes, is true.
There is no exception thrown but the dataset is empty.

I think your problem is an inconsistency between your xml data and your data binding. Your query produces “book” elements but you are trying to bind to “Address” elements.
To be consistent you need to create schema (alta_schema.xsd) that defines “book” with child nodes “State”, “Zip” and “City”, then bind to “book” using

DataGrid1.DataMember = "book"</pre><BR>You don't need to use the schema, so you could also delete the two lines:<BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">reader = New XmlTextReader("c://inetpub//wwwroot//TestareTamino//alta_schema.xsd")
adapter.FillSchema(ds, reader)

…but your binding must still match your data.
Hope this is clear…

If you associate a schema with a DataSet then that schema must match the struture of the data that will be populating the DataSet and not necessarily the data as it is in Tamino.

For instance if you request a subset of a doctype from Tamino then the associated schema must match that subset of data (i.e. it is a “view”).