Hello –
I am facing a problem while getting a connection to Tamino 3.1.1 from Oracle Oc4j AppServer environment, using TaminoAPI4J. I have tested with both JDK1.3 and JDK1.4 Versions, and with both the versions of TaminoAPI(311, and 3124) But cudnt’ succed in getting the connection.
Well it works fine, by getting a connection outside the AppServer environment by using JDK1.4.
Has anyone, faced such an issue. Any help in this regard, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
Ravi Chamarthy.
Hello Ravi,
We do not have any experiences with the Oracle Application server. But what is problem?
Are you using the EJB or the JCA API.
Do you try to get a connection from an EJBean?
Write the piece of code which makes problems.
Insert the error notice if there is one. Is there any stacktrace?
best regards
Josef Haiduk