This works:
declare namespace xf = “W3C XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators”
let $doc := (
for $z in (
for $q in input()/ucr where $q/km_properties/original_system=‘PSD’ and $q/@phase!=1001
and $q/km_properties/document_type/details/detail=‘PCN’
return {tf:getDocname(root($q))}{$q/km_properties/original_docid}
) where not(tf:containsText( $z/dn , string-join(( ‘‘, $z/original_docid,’’), “”)))
return $z)
for $a in input()/ucr where $doc/dn = tf:getDocname(root($a))
return $a
But this similar query produces a syntax error:
declare namespace tf = “”
declare namespace xs = “XML Schema”
declare namespace xf = “W3C XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators”
let $doc := (
for $z in (
for $q in input()/ucr where $q/km_properties/original_system=‘PSD’ and $q/@phase!=1001
and $q/km_properties/document_type/details/detail=‘PCN’
return {tf:getDocname(root($q))}{$q/km_properties/original_docid}
) where not(tf:containsText( $z/dn , string-join(( ‘‘, $z/original_docid,’’), “”)))
return $z)
update for $a in input()/ucr where $doc/dn = tf:getDocname(root($a))
do delete $a/…
The only difference occurs in the last two lines. I want to delete these documents, which I can see using the first query. I believe $a returns me the root node, and for delete I need to go up one, thus the /…
(I am looking at Trevor Ford’s reply to
Delete XML Instance with XQuery, posted by Michelle in the Tamino API for Java forum.)
Neil Keefe
In order to get a valid update statement you just have to move the ?update? key word. The resulting update statement looks like this:
declare namespace tf = “”
declare namespace xs = “XML Schema”
declare namespace xf = “W3C XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators”
let $doc := (
for $z in (
for $q in input()/ucr where $q/km_properties/original_system=‘PSD’ and $q/@phase!=1001
and $q/km_properties/document_type/details/detail=‘PCN’
return {tf:getDocname(root($q))}{$q/km_properties/original_docid}
) where not(tf:containsText( $z/dn , string-join(( ‘‘, $z/original_docid,’’), “”)))
return $z)
for $a in input()/ucr where $doc/dn = tf:getDocname(root($a))
do delete $a/…
Best regards,
Thorsten Fiebig