Sun Solaris Sparc v9 64-bit platform Issues.

Hello all,

Our IS is v7.1.1, JDBC v6.5, Oracle 10G DB. Solaris 9.

We are running 64 Bit JVM and when trying to enable our JDBC adapter connections , i got slapped with this.

Error encountered

[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource USAA_Arch_Util_DBConnections:Oracle_webmethods.

[ART.118.5063] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to start connection USAA_Arch_Util_DBConnections:Oracle_webmethods: after 1 attempt(s).

Can’t load Sparc 64-bit .so on a Sparc v9 64-bit platform

I made it point to the 32 bit libraries and its slapped me again with this :

Can’t load Sparc 32-bit .so on a Sparc v9 64-bit platform

Any ideas what could be causing this?
Advantage has nothing on this issue, googling didnt help me.
Any suggestions and resolutions would be vey welcome.
Thanks in advance

Scooby DoOoOoO

Is Solaris 9 64-bit on the supported product matrix?


Yes Mark,
I checked , the O/S is 64 bit enabled.
The database too has 64 & 32 bit libraries. The JVM is 64 bit for the IS platform.
What else should i look for any glitches?