Source Control with Natural

Hi Karlheinz

I have read your article on application life cycle management and would appreciate if you could clarify a few points:

  1. You are alluding to the different platforms and languages that are commonly in use within a single organisation. Yet, I could not see how LCMT is used for release coordination from these various platforms. Is it possible e.g. to use LCMT for coordination of a release of a set of Java programs (running in an application server on a Linux server) and a set of Natural programs (running on the mainframe) from development into the QA environment? From a user environment to a production environment? This bearing in mind that we need to keep track of what was released into each environment, and in particular into the production environment.

  2. Given an organisation with a development, QA, user test and production environments. In a normal development cycle there would typically be multiple releases of single Natural objects from the development environment to the QA environment. How would you suggest that all these releases are consolidated when deploying the cumulative result from the QA platform to the user test platform?

  3. How would a developer go about developing a Natural module, given the need to frequently compile (stow) the Natural module? I understand from your explanation that stowing happens infrequently and only after checking out the Natural module.

  4. I understand that the build directory you mention in figure 1 is a directory on the LUW platform? Would LCMT manage the upload from the build directory to the correct Natural library? How would you deal with deleting a Natural module?

  5. Does LCMT runs as an Eclipse plug-in or does it run on the Mainframe?

Again, thanks for making the article available.

Any news/updates with this topic that anyone may like to share? We are looking at the same kind of thing.

itsik, Just wondering - did you make any progress on these plans, or come to any conclusion?
