Now the table is reduced to 4 rows and there is a vertical scrollbar but there are two negative effects:
1.) The WIDTH of that table now is sized with 100% and more, global scrolling with the whole page has no effect on the table
2.) The vertical scrolling has a bug. If I scroll down to the last table item and up again the scrollbar disapears and no further scrolling iss possible.
Now my questions is:
a) Is there anything wrong with my XML-Layout
b) Is that a known bug of CIS or
c) Is it more probable to search the problem in my adapter and the handling of the rowItems
BTW: in this scenario it makes sense to specify that the first row defines the columns width settings. All the buttons only take 100% of what is passed from the first row. Both from performance point of view and from clearness of rendering.
First of all, thanks for your replay. So now I know that the problem is NOT caused by the XML-layout.
The mistake with instead of was because of all the trying to find another container where it may works. I also tried the XML-layout with and finally I reduced the whole XML to your example below but using my own adapter but the scrolling still not worked.
So it seems to be the adapter an the kind of filling the rowtablearea with rows (there are alot of complex things in it and it is quite possible that there is a problem with refreshing and displaying of rows)
Finally I changed the rowtablearea to a normal textgrid and did some changes to the adapter and now it does what I want (but without buttons).
Therefore the problem may be the mixture of using a complex control like rowtablearea and a complex adapter like mine.
For me I found a solution using textgrid so now itās all fine.
May be, the next days I will find some time to try it again with rowtablearea by beginning with a simple adapter and getting it more and more complex. So Iāll may find the mistake in my adapter or could specify more exactly the problem in rowtablearea