SOAP-RPC Vs. SOAP-MSG and when to use?

I am newbie. I want to know what is the difference between soap-rpc and soap-msg? I mean, I found the definitions about them in the webService Doc but I want to know specifically when I should use one over another? what are the scenarios and pro-cons?


soap-rpc is deprecated now…and you should continue using WS with soap-msg (http/https) based transport for any SOA development.


thanks RMG.
but I am still using wM 6.5 so I have to deal with it.

You can use either of them rpc/msg it works depends on the source/target provider requests (but in the future you may migrate to 7.1 or higher) and rpc is deprecated,just a caution.


One way to deal with RPC is to specify a policy–always use soap-msg, never soap-rpc. Even though soap-rpc is available it should normally be avoided.

using soap RPC, we can communicate only b/w systems but not other applications like mobiles…
if you using Soap MSG, irrespective of systems you can communicate.