I tried the same call through browser in a different machine (test server), it gives me a different message as follows. This one is acceptable and understandable.
[ISS.0088.9109] SOAP is only supported using HTTP POST protocol
What service were you attempting to invoke using soap-rpc? What soap client were you using and how did you populate the parameters that were required by your service?
The message you are receiving is entirely correct, if you omitted a required parameter and if your invoked service did not catch the exception and exit with a friendlier message. If you wrote the service, you control the exception that gets returned to the caller.
The second message is just telling you that you need to use a soap client and not a browser to invoke a soap-based web service. I would not call that more helpful.
These were the errors I posted just for easy understanding. I am now explaining the whole processes that lead to get this error.
I am calling a webMethods web service from remedy that has two inputs 1. Type and 2. Name
“Access Denined” error received from webMethods server_1 when I try to call the web service without any username/password. The service execute ACL is set to Anonymous access. I verified all the parameters are roperly passed and it has the right data type.
I could access the same service from a different server server_2 without username/password as the Execuate ACL is set to Anonymous in the service.
Just to crosscheck the error, I used “Soap Sonar” tool and it returned the same error. Even when I call the service from server_2 to server_1 it returns “Access Denied”.
Just to check the rpc, I typed http://server_1:5555/soap/rpc and it returned null pointer exception in the internet explorer browser.
Also, I tried creating custom soap handler which returns “null pointer” error when I call from webMethods itself.
I did the same steps as you, but unfortunately the “Anonymous” call without the username and password is not working in my server_1. Whereas, it works good in server_2.
Here is my server patch details:
Server_1 (Development)
Product webMethods Integration Server
Version 6.1
Updates IS_6-1_FP2
Server_2 (Test)
Product webMethods Integration Server
Version 6.1
Updates IS_6-1_FP2
If you haven’t found a solution for this yet, could you compare the global web.xml file of the two servers server_1 and server_2 and see if there are any differences in the section or any others.
I know this file sets the security level for the web applications deployed in IS but just a long shot, it might have an effect on web services as well.
The member who started this thread appears to have been attempting to type the soap/rpc URL into a browser. The service endpoint of a web service is the location to which you POST the request message, you can’t type that into a browser and expect something other than an error.
For quick testing use a tool such as Eviware SoapUI or CrossCheck SoapSonar to construct and post the message to the appropriate IS soap endpoint. SoapUI can also create a mock service that will listen for a soap request and return the mock response message that you create.
I understood that part where you explained the service endpoint can’t be invoked from a browser. But when you said you did the follwoing steps and Mani replied saying he too tried the same steps as you by using SOAP Sonar but worked in one server but did not in the other. That’s why I thought of any other security configurations that may be different between the two servers.
Sorry if I’m deviating or stealing the thread but just wanted to clarify whether this web.xml 's security constraint has any effect on the webservices as well along with the web applications?
This is the first time I am generating a webService consumer in webMethods 6.5. I am doing a soapRPC call to invoke a webService in Siebel. When I am making soapRPC call, I am getting following error in SOAPFault.
I tested the webService in siebel from SOAPUI, its working and active. I am not making any changes in the connector that got generated after I imported the WSDL. I also placed the WSDL and xsd in the IS/folder/pub location.
Any specific value that I need to pass to the connector? or any other configurations I need to do.