SOAP Header handling in WM IS

I am exposing my flow service as a webservice and I have created a WSDL for the service consumers to invoke my service. I am using wM 7.1.2

My issue is this :

How do I make elements in the SOAP:Header available to my service ? Because, only the SOAP:Body content gets passed available to my service by default.

Right now, I have built a Header handler flow service for my web service using which I extract the elements I need from the SOAP:Header and add it to the SOAP:Body. So, the elements will be available in the SOAP:Body and get passed to my actual flow service.

Is this really the best way to do this ? Any better alternatives ?

Thanks a lot !

You can use the soaheaders document which will be available in the flow service. Also you can use queryXMLNode to get the values from the soapheaders.


Pls review the "7-1-2_Web_Services_Developers_Guide",it covers the information how to add SOAP Headers to WSD provider.


Thanks for the response. I managed to add the header to the provider WSD.