SOAP Exception

Hoping the Brain trust here can help shed some light on an issue. I see the below error in the server log: [ISC.0088.0001E] SOAPException: [ISS.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of the message

With corresponding entries in the Error log: wm.server.soap:rpc [ISS.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of the message Stack trace data … 4c0fb650574d11de8c58e4f78d2f8404 NULL 4c0fb650574d11de8c58e4f78d2f8404

ws.monitor.process.instance:getList [ISS.0084.9004] Access Denied Stack trace data … 4c0fb650574d11de8c58e4f78d2f8404 NULL 4c0fb650574d11de8c58e4f78d2f8404

I have not seen this cause any denial of access but seems to happen frequently but not every time my users log in. Any information would be appreciated.

Just some more data to add to the fire. When I type in https://server name:5555/soap/rpc I get this output:

- <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“[B][URL][/URL][/b]” xmlns:xsi=“[B][URL][/URL][/b]” xmlns:xsd=“[B][URL][/URL][/b]”>
- SOAP-ENV:Fault

<faultstring>[ISS.0088.9109] SOAP is only supported using  HTTP POST protocol</faultstring> 

<faultactor>[URL]http://server[/URL] name:5555/soap/rpc</faultactor> 




Still looking into it.