Error - Dispatch caught exception in run loop

I continue to receive the the below error in my wM environment…

2009-09-01 18:30:43 EDT [ISS.0053.0003D] Dispatch caught exception in run loop: null
2009-09-01 18:30:43 EDT [ISS.0048.9998D] Exception → java.lang.NullPointerException

More of the log entry…

Proxy wM IS Instance
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0039.0001D] POST /some/url/adflsfdfsf
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Host: XX.XX.XXX.XX:443
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Cookie: ssnid=03724f90972911de9f07b5933ed641e5
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Length: 18096
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → POST /some/url/adflsfdfsf HTTP/1.0
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Host: XX.XX.XXX.XX:443
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Cookie: ssnid=03724f90972911de9f07b5933ed641e5
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Content-Length: 18096
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → $$$WebmReverseInvokeClientHost: XX.XX.XXX.XX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → $$$WebmReverseInvokeHost: XX.XX.XXX.XX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → $$$WebmReverseInvokePort: 443
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0040.0001D] HTTP/1.0 403
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Length: 0
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → HTTP/1.0 403 OK
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Content-Length: 0

Internal wM IS Instance
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0039.0001D] POST /some/url/adflsfdfsf
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Host: XX.XX.XXX.XX:443
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Cookie: ssnid=03724f90972911de9f07b5933ed641e5
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Length: 18096
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← $$$WebmReverseInvokeClientHost: XX.XX.XXX.XX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← $$$WebmReverseInvokeHost: XX.XX.XXX.XX
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← $$$WebmReverseInvokePort: 443
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISS.0012.0004T] Client provided session id 03724f90972911de9f07b5933ed641e5 but, there is no matching session for that id so new session bf0854c0974711de80d289c9e1f17c99 created
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISS.0053.0003D] Dispatch caught exception in run loop: null
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISS.0048.9998D] Exception → java.lang.NullPointerException
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → HTTP/1.0 403
2009-09-01 18:35:27 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] → Content-Length: 0

If anyone out there has experienced the same issue please let me know how to resolve.



I’m getting the same issue… Did you manage to get it solved ?
Please share the solution.

Many thanks,

FRom the logs it seems you are not at the latest SrvPrtcl level. Upgrade to latest and if issue is still there, go to Internal Server error log and try to expand stack trace to get additional data,

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