I switched back to my windows installation and trying to compile a Android App.
The compilation of one of the samples results in a unsigned APK. How do I sign this APK so I can installl it on my Phone? Is there a manual on how to do this?
Disclaimer: I just got some trial license from Software AG and try to understand how the mobile designer works
I imported an Sampleproject in Eclipse. It is shown as a standard Java project. To build the APK I chose the “Activate Handset” and “Multi Build” ANT Builds. Then the APK appeared in the Build folder.
When I rightclick on this project, I don’t get the “Android Tools” menuitem!
When you do the Multi Build check the option to retain the build files. In the build folder you will also have java_edit. This is the android build files. Import this into your eclipse that has android plugin. Then use the Android Tools-> Export Signed package on your project that should sign the APK.
Not sure if have resolved this already. If you have not, please follow the steps provided by Sandeep earlier to retain the build output files, that is the first step.
Secondly, open the Eclipse installation from the Android SDK installation and Import … > Existing Projects Into Workspace …> (Select the path of your project)/Builds/<Version_Number>/<Handset_Name>/temp/java_edit
This will open a project on your Eclipse installation with the project name as NativeUIDemoGalaxyS2EN (if you opened the NativeUIDemo Project with a Samsung Galaxy S2, ENglish build).
Right-click on the project and now Android Tools should be visible, and then click on “Export Signed Application Package…” and follow the Wizard. If you dont have a signing key, the tool will provide you with the option of generating one.