I am using siebel adapter 6.1 for siebel version 7.7.2 and getting the following error.
com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service BSL.siebel:account.
[ADA.448.1000] SiebelJavaOperations.performQuery() - threw a SiebelException: code(23075), msg(The specialized method ‘SetRepositoryContext’ is not supported on Business Component ‘Account’ used by Business Object ‘Account’.(SBL-DAT-00322))
I am using siebel adapter 6.0 for siebel version 7.7 and getting the following error.
ADA.448.1000] SiebelJavaOperations.performUpdate() - threw a SiebelException: code(23394), msg(The requested extension language function ActiveBusComp on object Application [Siebel Sales Enterprise] is not supported in the current configuration.
Please modify your script to exclude this usage.(SBL-EXL-00124))