service to check the Done W/Error transaction in TN

Hello All,

I need to create the Util service which fetch Done W/Error transaction in TN and send alert mail.

Please help me on it.


Can you explain the requirement indetail please?

:idea: - To check if we have any built-in services in

:idea: - Check the TN database to see how these transactions are stored in the DB and a work around to retrieve them and send out an email alert.

Need to think on this :slight_smile:

Lets see what others comment!

use the ( i guess its the correct namespace ) to fetch all the documents in the
results list. Then branch on user status , if its “Done w/errors” then list them.

Hello Mahesh,

My requirement is as folllow.

I need to send alert mail for any transaction in TN which have Done W/ Error.
is there any option in MWS which can send alert.
or I need to use and to retrive the details.

No there is no such option you would need to program via tn.query services and grab statuses and email the exception document results.


@ webM vir,

Try to run the TN built-in services and capture the output results that you need. After this write your own flow logic to send out an email alert using smtp service.

Let me know if you have any questions?


You can follow below steps:

  1. Invoke “”, pass input “TNDocTypeName”. (Output- “type”)
  2. Invoke “”, pass input “type/TypeID” which you get it from previous step (Output- “query”)
  3. Invoke “”, pass input “query” which you receive in previous step. (Output- “result” list)
  4. Loop over the list “result”
  5. Invoke “” to get bizDoc for each document ID, pass input “internalId” [DocumentID] (Output- bizDoc)
  6. Branch on bizdoc/UserStatus
    6.1 If it’s “Done with Errors” then Send Email using smtp.

Hope this will help you.

Yes please follow the above detailed steps with tn.query services and it should help you moving forward: