I am using service to generate the process image - pub.monitor.process.instance:generateInstanceImage
With Input as Process Instance ID , Service has output of image path but this doesn’t exist in the file system. I have verified in 2 environments. ‘/WmMonitor/images/processes/process_image141779504697143.jpg’
Kindly suggest where is the issue? Is it related to cleanup service ?
If your motto is to get the process file image only then why not you get it from the database tables where your process model information gets stored/did you try getting the image (save as) from MWS?
thanks mahesh for suggestion , Since we have a service for the same task . i would prefer to utilize the same . Also it would make sure that during upgrades, code is not broken !!
Even though we have suspended the scheduler we are still getting the same issue, it works fine in couple of environments, however in other environments it give error.
Even if images have been cleaned up by scheduler they should be recreated next time the instance is being viewed.
Can you check the specified directory if there is any content in it?
Additionally check if the users which is used to run the IntegrationServer has correct permissions to write data to this directory.
BTW: The number in the file name looks similar to a timestamp specified in milliseconds.
Additional questions:
Which version of wM, Monitor, PRT are you using ?
Any Fixes applied to these parts?