Server Stopped

when I restart I have a the ports open, but when I connect I have this fault, and the ports is gone, what can be wrong?

Internal error has occurred in location T-XML-WRK-13 xthsrv.c xth_wrk_main. Server stopped.
Start writing crash dump of database, writing to file D:\Tamino\Tamino.qqs.11-07-14
Crash dump of database finished
Terminated with errors
74696F6E 3A204241 uthorization: BA


Hi Mikael,
At bit more info please, which situation are you describing login to manager, establishing a DB session to tamino ?
- and also a bit about taminoversion and platform would help :wink:


Thanks for your response
we have the tamino version
and we are running the tamino x-plorer on it version
windows NT4 sp 6

regards Mikael