My question is if i can control whats inside the tag ser-root:getInterfaceStatusResponse, may be remove xmlns:ser-root=" “, xmlnssi=” " and just have the response as below -
Is there a way to have this control? I am using wM 98 IS_9.8_SPM_Fix1 & IS_9.8_Core_Fix5. The reason why i want to shorten the tag content of <ser-root: is because the ETL tool importing it cannot deal with such long root tag and ETL team is not able to build a model from XML file.
I have created a service that uses the handlerSpec speification. I am a bit stuck in the 2nd point, in the handler service how do I retrieve the soap response and then modify it ? , considering the IP of the newly created response handler service has messageContext as input (object datatype).
thank you for te snapshot. Have done all step and registered handler in provider. In last step of handler service ‘setSOAPmessage’ i have mapped modified soapData to setSOAPMessage IP : SOAPMessage, what do i send to setSOAPMessage IP : messageContext ? As its blank currently i get below error - soapenv:Fault
[ISS.0088.9430] Handler processing failed on the provider http://xxx:xx00/ws
Thanks for the build , but unfortunately it’s a partial/patch build which I cannot install on my server.
Anyways , I have created a sample service for you.
I am attaching the package here(I am able to remove the ser:root element). Please let me know if you have further questions. (17.3 KB)
deriving from the filename from Shreyus´ attachment this is not a regular package build, but instead more likely a Deployer build which need to be imported to Deployer and then deployed to target server.