As per the current stable version, there is no OOTB services to provide you the search results in String or IData format however SAG will incorporate the utilities in their near future versions and they will update the IS Java API (Server and Client) References accordingly.
I had create a utility service to get the cache search results in String and IData format, refer the below classes and code a java service class:
public class SearchResult implements Serializable {
Returns the key of the individual search result.
@return {Object} key
public Object getKey();
Returns the value of the individual search result.
@return {Object} value
public Object getValue();
Returns the aggregator results.
@return {List} aggregator results.
public List getAggregatorResults();
Returns the value of the given attribute with the individual search
@param attribute
{String} The name of the attribute.
@return {Object} attribute value
public Object getAttribute(String attribute);