The Deployer User Guide states this is how you get istask (Scheduled Task) assets. Which I find odd because you ultimately want to get all of your content from source control and not some database where anyone could have changed something. Am I missing something? Anyways, I have yet to get an istask assets using ABE. ABE has access to every folder, but it will never get the istask assets.
Has anyone had any luck with ABE and scheduled task? I always get this message - [java] [7/20/18 3:57 PM][MESSAGE] istask.istask: Cannot find configuration files for asset istask. As a result, Integration S
erver cannot extract the assets.
From the deployer guide
Scheduled tasks
The Asset Build Environment extracts this asset from a database, and requires either of the following:
If you are using the embedded database, the
Asset Build Environment must have access to Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\db \embedded directory.
If you are using an external database, the Asset Build
Environment requires access to the JDBC con?guration ?les.