In our project we are facing a interesting issue. Please see the comments from SAP team as below,
When we receive a Material Interface IDOC through the adapter, for some reason the system is generating on average about 10 processes for each material IDOC (MATMAS05). For most IDOCs, the system generates 1 process per IDOC.
These 10 processes are clogging the system when we get large numbers of material IDOCs.
Inventory transactions ( WMMBID02), for example, only generate 1 .
Now we have 2 servers in cluster in QA and Prod and a single server in DEV. We have wM 9.5 installed with SAP adapter 7.1. We are connecting to SAP gateway server which is load balanced . Has anyone came across this kind of issue before. Any insight will be extremely helpful.
Hi Abir, In which environment you are facing this issue and what is the impact you have ? Also,what is status code of MATMAS05 Idoc in ECC when you faced it. I know it is really interesting when multiple tRFC processes are created and Idocs stuck in SM58 and user need to push Idoc again & again :roll:
What is your SAP Adapter fix level and also did you check the wM trigger if it is (Serial or Concurrent) and involve Basis also for more trouble shooting in your env.
You can try to get in contact with the license manager of your partners SAP-System asking them to create a S-account for you enabling you to download the appropriate JCo-Jars from SAP-Marketplace.
The version of these Jars can be found in the About-Page of the SAP-Adapter.
After enabling the RFC Trace, I was able to see that wM is sending only one request for each IDOC to SAP. The IDOCs are getting successfully posted to the SAP application from the basis queue SM58. It is might be after posting to SAP application , there might be any SAP jobs running which is causing the issue.SAP team has raised a request with their vendor. But we were able to confirm that wM is sending only one request per IDOC. Hence the issue is not from our side.