[SAP.105.9205] WmSAP Adapter: Function interface named "Z_GET_MNET_FROM_NEXTLINX" does not exist on


When we are invoking SAP function module using pub.sap.client:invoke service, we are getting below error in our production env after restarting server over weekend.


[SAP.105.9205] WmSAP Adapter: Function interface
named “Z_GET_MNET_FROM_NEXTLINX” does not exist on SAP system with system
id “PRD”
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com.wm.pkg.art.error.DetailedServiceException: [ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service pub.sap.client:invoke.
[SAP.105.9205] WmSAP Adapter: Function interface named “Z_GET_MNET_FROM_NEXTLINX” does not exist on SAP system with system id “PRD”
at com.wm.pkg.art.error.DetailedServiceException.create(DetailedServiceException.java:122)