Runtime-Based Deployment connecting to universal messaging Dev to Test environement

Hi community,

I want to deploy a project from Dev to Test Environement using runtime based deeployment,

in this step we don’t have any VCS neither SVN, i just want to do a simple deployement from Dev to Test directly,

the problème is i can’t find how to do the correspendance between my Universal Messaging in DEV and Universal Messaging of Test environnement,

please someone can help me to deal with this issue,

thank you,

Hi Abrabri,

do you have specific objects in UM which need to be deployed from one UM to the other?

If there are only publishable DocTypes and Triggers involved, these get automatically synched during package deployment.


Hi Holger,
thank you for yr reply,

i did a simple run time based deployement but in my test environnement i got that error: please see attatchement below(Target REC_Error)

and during deploimenet i didin’t have UM in my scroll list : see attatchement,



it says that channels are not found :frowning: :

Channel could not be found on the server:Find : /wm/is/ocp/tools/priv/messaging/docs/IntegrationEnvelope : [0] class RequestID:2057

Hi Abrabri,

which wM version are you using?
Any Fixes applied?

I have found the following entry in the Readmes of the latest Deployer Fix for wM 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 and 9.9:

Deployer fails to synchronize the publishable IS document
types in the source package with documents types on
Universal Messaging server.

In a runtime-based deployment, Deployer fails to synchronize
the publishable IS document types in the source package with
documents types on Universal Messaging server.

This issue is resolved. 

For wM 9.5 there is no such entry in the latest Deployer Fix Readme.


the version of my WM is 9,7 :?:

i had to install some fixes to resolve that problem???


Is your wM Deployer not showing the UniversalMessaging in the left side frame?

Also what is your IS version and fix levels?



yes i have Universal Messaging in the left side frame, My IS version is 9,7 , about fixes i have this : IS_9.7_Core_Fix2


Hi Abrabri,

in this case you should try DEP_9.7_Fix5 and then retry your deployment.
Remember to update the WmDeployerResource package on source and target IS.

This can be done from Deployer → Servers → IS&TN.
Select the servers by marking the checkbox and click “Install”.

I think when the DocType gets synced the channel should get created automatically.


thank you,

i will give it a try, just one lquestion is DEP_9.7_Fix5 came to solve that problem??


Hi Abrabri,

at least the mentioned iTrac sounds very related to the issue you have described.


hi Holger ,

during installing the fix they tell me that Following servers will be shut down (if running) to install the selected fixes.
Integration Server

and i continieud the installation finnaly they told me that :

[color=red]The following fixes were installed.
For instructions, see the fix readmes in /WMESBDEV/softwareag/install/fix/readme

Integration Server

  • DEP_9.7_Fix5 [/color]

the problem now is that the IS and MWS don’t want to start, neither from command central nor from command line :shock:


Hi Abrabri,

MWS itself should not be directly affected as Deployer needs only to be applied to the IS instances.

If the instances cannot start, might it be that they are still running?

Any thing in the console output, in the server.log (for IS) or the full.flog (for the MWS) which might be helpful for us?

What happens if you shut them down from command line and restart them from there?
