Hello everyone,
Here is my issue:
Everytime i try to run the rulemigrator.bat to import preset Manager Console rules as mentioned in the pdf ( Manager 6.5.1 on windows XP Pro , Oracle DB)
I get slapped with this.
I have looked and searched but could not come up with a resolution.
I got the PRTL CORE FIX 2 AND MANAGER CONSOLE 651 SP2 FIX 7 in there.
java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc35-0027][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-02289:
sequence does not exist
at com.wm.dd.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
at com.wm.dd.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source)
at com.wm.dd.jdbc.oracle.OracleImplStatement.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.wm.dd.jdbc.base.BaseStatement.commonExecute(Unknown Source)
at com.wm.dd.jdbc.base.BaseStatement.executeUpdateInternal(Unknown Sourc
at com.wm.dd.jdbc.base.BasePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Sourc
at com.webMethods.managerconsole.utils.migration.RuleMigrator.import_Dg_
at com.webMethods.managerconsole.utils.migration.RuleMigrator.main(RuleM
Releasing database connection
I know the DB schema that will be effected by running rulemigrator.bat file is Analysis.
I had to run the SQL script which is a part of ManagerConsole_6_5_1_SP2_Fix7 patch which ran without any issues. So im thinking that stuff is there.
Possibly a privileges issue? If the sequence in question exists in the DB (might be worth triple checking), this is the only other possibility I can think of.