Hi I am new to XQuery and want to know whether I can return all the nodes in the xml file based on a condition.
For eg:
FOR $b IN document(“bib.xml”)/bib/book
WHERE $b/publisher = “Addison-Wesley”
{ $b/title }
This XQuery returns only the book node and its child node. What I need is that it should return all the nodes in bib.xml based on the condition.
Thank You
I missed a thing, what I am expecting from the return statement is all the node/text pair values.
For eg: JK Rowling
then XQuery should return author and JK Rowling
Is it possible to get the node/text values of the childnodes of each node if it has any?
Thank You
I’m not 100% sure what your expecting to be returned. If you just want all the elements which match your criteria - plus the full tree structure below them, then you can just do:-
FOR $b IN document(“bib.xml”)/bib/book
WHERE $b/publisher = “Addison-Wesley”
Hope that helps
Mike Ball
Hi Thanx for the reply, thats the part of the answer I required, Thanx. But can I just the get the element name and the text for each node/child node in the document?
JK Rowling
author = JK Rowling
If you want to return all the books that satisfy the condition, write:
for $b in document(“bib.xml”)/bib/book
where $b/publisher = “Addison-Wesley”
return $b
I hope I’ve interpreted your requirements correctly, if not, it helps if you explain what you want the output to be.
Michael Kay
Actually there’s a simpler way of writing this:
[publisher = “Addison-Wesley”]
Hello there,
to get a result like “author = JK Rowling” you could use something like this in the query:
{local-name($b/author)} = {$b/author/text()}
I hope that helps (rather than confuses matters!),
Thanx Trevor,
I used your code snippet and I was able to see
author = JK Rowling
as the output.
The snippet displays only the author element, Can you please tell me how I can get all the elements in a document including the child elements along with the text?
And without the tag. Thanx again for ur solution.
for eg:
TCP/IP Illustrated
title = TCP/IP Illus…
Author =
last = Stevens
first W.
If you want to do this completely generically, you need to write a recursive function. That’s beyond the subset Tamino currently offers. The function would look something like this:
define function show($e as element()) as xs:string {
string-join (
(name($e), “=”,
if ($e/)
then for $c in $e/ show($c)
else string($e)
), “”)
You would need some refinement on that to get all the spacing and indentation right.
XQuery isn’t really designed for presentation tasks such as this, it’s more of a job for XSLT really. Use XQuery to get the data you want from the XML database, use XSLT to format it for display.
Michael Kay