Is there a way to reprocess documents from the Broker dead letter queue?
We had a trigger that was off and tens of thousands of documents ended up in DLQ. The MWS portal is difficult to use to pull the docs and put them in another queue. Has anyone written a flow to read DLQ and republish the docs? Is it even possible to do this?
“Has anyone written a flow to read DLQ and republish the docs? Is it even possible to do this?” - I don’t think it is programatically possible and use the resubmit via MWS/Broker Administrative interface itself.I know its difficult for thousands of docs to manually re-process.
May be review the BrokerClientJavaAPI for more reference/clue.Will also look at it.
the Broker generates a client state object using the client ID that you specify. You can use My webMethods to examine or purge the dead letter queue. You can also use the Broker client API to develop a program that connects to the dead letter client’s state object (using the client ID you assigned to the dead letter client) and retrieves the dead letter documents from the queue.