Retrieving COM Objects when that object is passed as a parameter

I am trying to simulate the extracted VB code(copied below) in webMethods. If you look at the submit method below, it is passing Acknowledgement object as a parameter and this same object is returned with details from the destination system. The result from the submit method is Boolean value. when I call submit method using WM, I am passing the acknowledgement object as a parameter in submit method. and I am copying the results to the pipeline, which gives me Boolean vale. but I am not able to capture acknowledgement object back from the destination system. How do I capture that ?
Any help is appriciated


        If Not QueryIncident.Submit(Acknowledgement) Then 

            MsgBox "QueryIncident could not be submitted : " & vbCrLf & AdapterR.LastErrString 


            'Analyse the acknowledgement returned 

            Select Case Acknowledgement.ErrCode 

                Case ECP_SUCCESS 

                    ' Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident object contains full values stored in ECP engine 

                    strText = "AgreementType = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.Agreement.AgreementType 

                    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Requester LastName = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.ServiceRequester.Person.LastName 

                    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Provider LastName = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.ServiceProvider.Person.LastName 

                    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "ProviderID = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.ProviderID 

                    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "ResponseTime = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.ResponseTime.LocalDate 

                    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Comment = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.Comment 

                    If Not Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.Problem.GetProblemDescription(tmpText) Then 

                        strText = strText & vbCrLf & "No ProblemDescription available" 


                        strText = strText & vbCrLf & "ProblemDescription = " & tmpText 

                    End If 

                    strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Solution abstract = " & Acknowledgement.ServiceIncident.Solution.Abstract 

                    MsgBox "QueryIncident submitted : " & vbCrLf & strText 



                    MsgBox "The QueryIncident has already been processed in the ECP engine" 


                Case Else 

                    If Acknowledgement.ErrString <> "" Then 

                        MsgBox "QueryIncident " & Acknowledgement.ErrString & ", code : " & Acknowledgement.ErrCode 


                        MsgBox "QueryIncident untrapped error" 

                    End If