Response data to SOAP UI


I created one flow service.In the input signature I inserted some documents. In the output tab I inserted 2 output documents.

Based on the input coming to the flowservice the output will be mapped to any one of the 2 documents. So every time we will be getting only one document as output based on the Input we are sending to the Flowservice.

I created WSD Provider for this Flowservice. So that we get WSDL URL. I imported this URL to SOAP UI and I hit the flowservice with some input. So based on Input, SOAP UI will get response from the Flowservice for the any one of the 2 documents.

The problem is In the output tab of the flowservice I inserted 2 output documents. But every time Flowservice will map the output to any one of the documents. For the remaining document SOAP UI is showing the following TAG “<_IO xsi:nil=“true”/>”.

How can we avoid such type of response to SOAP UI?