Representing numerical data from multiple points/devices

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What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

I am having a scenario where there are multiple points/devices sending data to cumulocity. So I need to differentiate data from those points/devices that is represented in a graph on cumulocity. For that I used static template 200.

What I do with static template 200 is,

  1. I send measurement to this endpoint - s/us.

  2. I use the static template 200 with different ‘series’ value as shown below,
    here different ‘series’ means different point/device id.


  3. I send measurements of different ‘series’ with same template(200) with same fragment(Cov_Value),
    Also I send the measurement for different ‘series’ randomly.

    After the above steps I get the plot on a single graph named ‘Cov_value’ and all measurements are represented with different color lines as shown in the image below.
    These different colors represent data from different points/devices.

My query is -

  1. Suppose the number of devices increase like 100 or 200 or even more, then is it feasible to do what I am doing currently ?
  2. Is there any other way to represent data for huge number of points/devices to be represented on cumulocity?

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Have you installed latest fixes for the products

Hi Prasad,

I don’t think your current approach will be feasible if you have a large number of devices you want to manage in Cumulocity. Can you share more information about the use case and general setup of the devices. Are all of these devices connected to the same gateway or are the devices running in different locations?

In case devices are connected to a gateway, then you could think about registering the gateway as a device in Cumulocity. Every device connected to the gateway can then be registered in Cumulocity as a child device to the gateway device. Have a look at the documentation how child devices can be created and managed.

If every device runs in a different location/site and are connected to Cumulocity via an integration layer it probably makes sense to keep them also separated in Cumulocity. This means, every device would have it’s own MQTT connection and is registered as an individual device in Cumulocity.

For both approaches, each devices gets its own device representation in Cumulocity to which measurements can be pushed. This results in an easier identification of the devices and their measurements.

Best regards

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Hi Christian,

Really appreciate for the quick response.
We will try the approach you suggested for the gateway and child devices ad come back with queries if any.

Thank you,

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