Receiving 2 copies of daily digest

The last time I changed by Digest preferences I started receiving 2 copies of the digest each day. Today, I have changed my preferences again in hope that it might correct the problem.

If this does not work, what can I do to correct the problem?

Hello Wayne,
We have modified our preferences for daily digests and kept it same as yours. Will monitor and give you a feedback whether we also receive the mail two times.

How do you know what my digest preferences are?

I have asked Ramanan to look into this. My team owns the Software AG forums infrastructure and Raman is part of our oursourced R&D Team helping to solve customer issues.



We are currently working on this issue. We will notify once it is fixed.


I have been receiving two copies of digest and some of my collegues have the same problem as well. So, is there a fix for this problem?


We are aware about the problem that daily digests are received two times and we are working to find a fix.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello everybody,

Problem of “Receiving 2 copies of daily digest” is fixed. Now digests are received only once.

Please check & give us your feedback.


Hi !
Since I changed my Digest preferences today, I started receiving one email per hour (title:Community Message Digest) . Is there a new problem ?
Please note the attachment (message.txt) !

message.txt (8.14 KB)

Hello Reiner,

Thank you very much for pointing this out - the issue you have reported should be fixed now. Please let us know if this is not the case with you

Your Forum Admin

Hello Admin !
In the meantime I unsubsrcibed the ‘digest frequency’, so I got no more mails. When I recognized your reply, I have changed it again to ‘daily’. My changes to the forum-list are lost an I have to make them once again. Now everything seems to be ok !
Thank you !