Receive Email Attachments Without Fixed Extension

We receive Email attachments through the email port of the WM integration server 4.6 and want to pass these attachments to a dedicated service. Because the filename is absolutely variable, we can’t assign the attachment to a specific content handler. The result is the following error:
00AA85 [B2BPCKG.0068.0026] Content type: multipart/mixed;
boundary=“--------------------------boundary-00_098374573938745asdf” Su
00AA86 [B2BPCKG.0068.0010] Could not decode body part of email message
The specified service isn’t invoked at all. Is there a possiblity to process an email attachment without fixed extension? Can I adjust a “default content handler” or can I map the recognized mime content type multipart/mixed (see above) to an existing content handler? Any hint is greatly appreciated.

If your sender is sending Edi document as attachment then they should set content-type as “application/EDI” while sending to your wM server and the dedicated service input variable should be ediByteArray (case sensitive).

and if it is xml attachment then content-type is “text/xml”,so that webMethods server can read and process the request to appropriate service input.

During this invocation pls do keep savepipeline and restorepipeline in the target service for debugging,and may also use debuglog service for more tracing…