
Hi rahul_mf,

I think what you are currently doing is quite impolite. You ask questions, that should be asked in natural classes, not in this forum. After you have attended a natural class, you may ask any additional questions you have that could not be answered in this classes.

I spend my time to try to check for and answer questions in this forum. It’s my time I spend. And others in this forum do the same. And to be honest, your questions are boring (me). This forum is not a replacement for natural classes. Ask your boss to let you attend a class, please.


rahul_mf mentioned here that he got no possibility to attend a class. Maybe he lives in a country with no SAG-branch.

If so, I recommend the “Natural Programming Guide” which comes with every Natural for Windows CD.

You are right Matthias, here is no SAG-branch in my country and not only this, most of the people here dont even know what is Natural/ADABAS and classes or sessions for Natural/ADABAS is not at all possible.

Wilfried, may be my questions are boring to you(or might be for some other people also) but whatever answers you gave me or whatever
Knowledge I got from this forum is really very very beneficial to me.

I think knowledge sharing should be the main goal of any forum.

Sorry for asking, but where do you come from?
I attent a class at the SAG headquarters in Germany. I know that there are some branches in Europe and North America…

I am from Asia.

Rahul, whereabouts in Asia…

Software AG has offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and conducts education classes from those locations.

If you wish to have education for a number of people in your site then please conatct us.

I cannot speak for others, but this thread bothers me for reasons other than cited in the original post.

Rahul, are you interested in learning Natural just for the fun of learning Natural? Or is your company one of the many new “outsource mills”?

If you work for a company that is a “real” user of Adabas/Natural, you would be able to contact Software AG re education, so I presume this is not the case.

So your company probably has a contract to maintain and/or develop Natural code. There is NO way, you will learn enough about Adabas/Natural, in the vacuum where you work, to write decent Natural code.

Forgetting for the moment about the poor clients who might be told that they are getting Natural gurus to maintain their code; okay, lets not forget about them. If the work you and your colleagues turn out is bad enough, the clients may end up leaving the Adabas/Natural world. This affects all of us, Software AG, consultants, contractors, educators, etc.

That is why I am disturbed by this thread.


So what to do now? What do you think we should reply to the next “easy question”?

  1. “Please attend the next natural classes!”
  2. “Please read the NATURAL documentation!”
  3. Nothing, because the questioner could be a part of an “outsource mill”.

I prefer 2.

Two is good; unless, Rahul does indeed work for a legitimate Adabas/Natural shop. in which case One would also be a viable response. Three (Nothing) accomplishes nothing (but it does save on typing).



But I’m not able to verify, if somebody works for a “legitimate Adabas/Natural shop”. So I will continue to answer with a link to the documentation.

BTW: I don’t work for a legitimate SAG-shop, too. I’m working for a SAG-customer…

Learning natural for the fun of it, yes, why not? After all, SAG which had closeted itself until recently now sending Natural for windows, etc., for free - though may be as an evaluation product, but still they are trying to get into even such places where - natural was until now meant “natural”, nothing else!