While trying to publish a message to a queue on a remote ActiveMQ provider, i am supplying the destinationName as ‘queue3’. I have configured the JMS alias and JNDI settings on the IS and using the pub.jms:send service to send the message. When doing this i get a NamingException:
Unable to send message to JMS provider "localActiveMQAlias": com.wm.app.b2b.server.jms.JMSSubsystemException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: queue3
As a workaround, i qualify the desitnationName with the JNDI lookup value for dynamic queues so it looks like this: “dynamicQueues/queue3” . This way the service executes successfully, and i am able to see the message arrive in the queue.
In the output of the pub.jms:send service when i see the generated value of the “JMSMessage/header/JMSDestination” field, i see that it is “queue:\queue3”. I have also tried to use this same value in the destinationName field but have been getting the same exception.
So, how can i send a message to an existing queue without creating it on the fly?
webMethods IS 8.2, JMS Adapter 6.1, ActiveMQ 5.12.1