pub.client.oauth:executeRequest Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365

I tried to collect some information to use Dynamics CRM 365 as get method.
The main difficulty is for auhentification base on OAuth protocol.
So thanks to theses following links :

I find a way to write a java service getAcessToken wich give me a token (I think because the return of my sarvice is a big string).

So after that I tried to use pub.client.oauth:executeRequest because I thing it is the better way tomake a get requestion.
I fill the following data :
provider = Other
clientID = ID Client in my Azure Console
clientSecret = Is my secret key generated on my Azure Console
accessToken (the return of my getAccessToken method)
ressourceURI =
headers (name, value) = My parameters from oData equivalent to a fectchxml request in MS Dynamics CRM 365
responseDataType = string

But it missed providerClass and I don’t know what to use

Please check the usage of service pub.client.oauth:executeRequest in document <Integration_Server_Built_In_Services_Reference>. It has pretty detail information how to set this provider class.