pub.client:ftp services

webMethods users should look at new set of services in pub.client:ftp folder. New powerful services available in wm61 should allow tech-savy users to create their own file polling services using FTP. This will eliminate need to install IS or Flat-file adapter on remote servers just for the purpose of file polling. This also opens possibilities of integration with non-standard platforms which support FTP.

Can this 6.1 service do SFTP?


SFTP is not FTP, it is a FTP-like command set that runs on top of SSH and SSH is not supported.

If you absolutely must run it, then you should be able to run scp using a Runtime.exec() call out of a Java service.

– Tim

Not at this time. That certainly limits its use in FTP over internet if security if a criteria. However, for a large infrastructure within firewall, this can be a great way. For example, Vax-11, Tandem or some exotic mainframe that can provide support for FTP can be integrated using FTP.


Thanks for your reply.

We may have to implement as you have suggested. I thought it would be nice if we can control the logic within webMethods. To start another thread and invoke sftp script and etc. from webMethods may not be necessary if webMethods has no control, most of the control, as far as sftp error handling and etc. Certainly, we can use different notification mechanism to communiction between script and webMethods. We may just do the entire transaction using scripting on the server level or running a standalone java application.

We have not decided the final architecture yet.


Could you please give more details on how to poll files on a remote server without installing IS or adapter on the remote server.
