PSUtilities Package Not Found

Hi Experts,

I am unable to see the PSUtilities package on my end and I’m currently using softwareAG version 10.5 trial version. Would like to seek for your help on where/how to locate this package.

Thank you.

PSutilities package stopped being maintained after version 8.x since most of the important services are now in WmPublic.
Look in WmPublic.

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Before October 2020 PSUtilities package versions 2.2 - 2.4 were available on the Code & Samples section of the TechCommunity for download.

Wayne is right, that most of the services made it into WmPublic now (when you now the services from PSUtilities package you will notice which one of WmPublic services have been adopted from the PSUtilities package).

But even now I still want not to miss the PSUtilities package (as well as the WmTransformations package) as some of its services are working smoothier or somewhat different then their WmPublic matching service making it easier for my developers to integrate them. Although I encourage the developers to use the WmPublic services when ever possible.
This is due to support restrictions (WmPublic services are covered by regular support agreements while PSUtiliities services are not).


Hi all,

Please find the PSUtilities package here.

Hope that helps.


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