Product code NFL??

Can anyone tell me which product ‘NFL’ refers to? I am looking through SYSEXT (z/OS) and, under the PROD column, came across ‘NFL’.

Natural for Linux?

Go Steelers. :slight_smile:

Natural for LEASY (BS2000 only)

Wouldn’t it be great if the complete list of all the SAG product codes and their meanings (if such a thing exists) was made available to the general public.

Perhaps the “Keeper-of-the-list” could be persuaded to create a Wiki page here.


Graeme Lane

The closest you can get to such a list would be in Empower, in the knowledge base search, every product is listed with its product code there, but you won’t find any “historic” products (like NFL) there, only those currently under maintenance.

it should be Empower