Process Archiving Issue in 8.2.2

I am not able to archive the processes. I am getting below mentioned error.

“Other Exception Occurred!-903ORA-0093: invalid table name”

I ran the db component configurator and shows all the tables/package is created in the database.

Please let me know what could be the reason.


You would have created all the tables under specific schema/user… Check if the same have been configured in IS Admin > JDBC Pools > Process Audit.


It is configured in IS Admin JDBC Pools. Apart form this any other clue??


Did you run the dbConfigurator from your local system to create tables or ran it from the actual server where IS is installed? Reason being, installed version of product should have the corresponding database scripts version being executed. Suppose, if we run it from our local system, the db script version might vary with the fix levels, and versions…

Cross verify the version of installed product and db script.


I ran it on actual server. I do not see the issue of version. Still how to check if issue is with version?


Hi Vikas,

You can run IS in Trace mode and check the SQL query that is being run. You can then check if the table is there in the schema and you can run content search on the scripts that you ran. If it’s not there, I guess it is a ticket for SAG.

I have a faced a similar issue for BPM before which was fixed by SAG but I dont exactly remember the fix name now.

Thanks and Regards,
Ninad Patil