Hi ,
We are trying to post the xmlstring to JBoss through HTTP post.we have done the below configuration:
Load as: null
Content-type: text/xml.
we are getting the response as Status:200 and Status Message :OK.
But the JBoss team is not getting the xmlstring they are getting null values incase of post method.
attached are the JBoss logs for post :
19:56:59,487 INFO [STDOUT] Request : QueryString() is::null
19:56:59,487 INFO [STDOUT] Request : getPathInfo() is::null
19:56:59,487 INFO [STDOUT] Request : getRequestURI() is::/WindTelematics/Parse
19:56:59,487 INFO [STDOUT] Request : getHeaderNames() is::org.apache.tomcat.util.http.NamesEnumerator@127669d
19:56:59,503 INFO [STDOUT] headerNames is ::org.apache.tomcat.util.http.NamesEnumerator@1c1f3f7
19:56:59,503 INFO [STDOUT] header name is ::user-agent
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name/value is ::Mozilla/4.0 [en] (WinNT; I)
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name is ::accept
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name/value is ::image/gif, /
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name is ::host
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name/value is ::
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name is ::content-type
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name/value is ::text/xml
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name is ::cookie
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name/value is ::JSESSIONID=F6B1F690E8B5CC8C81B2AC5554CEF592
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name is ::content-length
19:56:59,519 INFO [STDOUT] header name/value is ::625
We then tried with GETmethods then we are gettin the below JBoss logs :
19:13:37,647 INFO [STDOUT] Param name is <?xml version
19:13:37,647 INFO [STDOUT] Param name value is ::"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
tested on 7march
Please suggest if any chanes we need to do at webMethod end.
Attached the webMethods screenshot