Our IS is on window server and we are using developer from our machine to generate
Web Methods.
We have installed following patches on IS.
1. SCG_7-1-2_G11N_Fix2
2. WSI_7.1.2_Cluster_Fix1
3. IS_7.1.2_XA_Fix3
4. IS_7.1.2_CL_Fix15
5. IS_7.1.2_PubSub_Fix7
6. IS_7.1.2_Core_Fix25
7. IS_7.1.2_Flow_Fix7
8. IS_7.1.2_SrvPrtcl_Fix21
9. IS_7.1.2_WebSvcsXML_Fix19
But after installation its giving errors while invoking web servies through connector “java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:com.wm.app.b2b.server.saaj.SOAPMessage.setSoapAction(Ljava/lang/String;)V”
Does anybody knows how to solve this problem?
Thanks & Regards,