Problem with XML output from SAP Business Connector

Hello all,

I have an http client (Internet Explorer) posting an xml document to a WM service, expecting an xml document back in response.
This reponse isn’t complete.
Here is my template:

'?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859 1” ’
'Message id=“%value Message/@id% ’
sender=”%value Message/@receiver% ’
receiver=“%value Message/@sender% ’
passwd=”%value Message/@passwd%“/ ’
%loop rec_Antwort%
'Artikeldaten kndnr=”%value KNDNR%"
artnr=“%value ARTNR%”
verfuegbar="%value VERFUEGBAR% ’

The result in IE looks like this:
'?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1” ? ’
'Message id=“” sender=“” receiver=“” passwd=“” / ’

This is the HTML-code:
‘form action=“http://localhost:5555/invoke/Preisbestandsanfrage” method=post target=“Daten” ’
‘textarea name=“xmldata” rows=20 cols=100 ’
‘?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1” ? ’
‘Message id=“12345” sender=“6789” receiver=“54321” passwd=“a05d”/ ’
'input type=“hidden” name=“$action” value=“1” ’ ‘/input’
'input name=“B1” type=“submit” value=“Submit” ’ ‘/input’

Replace " ’ " with “>”.
It seems that BC isn’t working with the correct XML data. When I
test this Service with runTemplateOnPipe it works fine.
Question: Is the IE HTML post correct?

Thanks in advance