Problem with TaminoClient


I have a problem with the method “query” in class TaminoClient form Tamino DOM API 2.2.1. I do not find XML objects with “polish fonts” (???..). Tamino database ( is created with default encoding ISO-8859-2.
My query string for example is:
String query1=new String(“Abonent[nazwisko~='”+“\u0141\u0105cki”+“‘]");
// String query1=new String("Abonent[nazwisko~=’“+”??cki"+"

I try to change the encoding with methods “TaminoClient.setEncoding()” and “TaminoClient.setAcceptCharset()” but XML object is not found.
When I use Tamino Interactive Interface everything is OK.

I will be gratful for suggestions.

Best regards
Leszek Andrzejczak

You should upgrade to the Tamino Client that comes with Tamino 2.3.1. This has some fixes for encodings. If this doesn’t fix it report a bug.

Changing the acceptCharset property only changes the way that the Client talks to Tamino. The Client works in 16 bit Unicode and Tamino works in Unicode also. The Client by default uses UTF-8 to communicate - If you change acceptCharset to another cahrset then the Client will ask for its responses in this charset. However the parser/DOM in the client will parse the input and convert into 16 bit unicode - So you will only see a difference if the Client or Tamino doesn’t know the encoding you specified - then you get nothing :slight_smile:

“So what is it for?” you may well ask. It is a throwback to early Tamino versions when the interface was somewhat different and you could do some interesting workarounds with this feature.

I could repeat the whole story again for setEncoding(), but I’m sure you’ve got the idea by now.


Nigel Hutchison

Hi, thanks for the reply.
I’ve upgraded Tamino to 2.3.1 version, and now I have no problem with searching with “polish characters” (when data source is in ISO-8859-2). But I have another problem with sorting. “Polish characters” are sorted after “ASCII characters” like “ABC…Z??..”(correct sort is “A?BC?..”).
I’ve heard in Polish Software Ag Office that sorting with “polish characters” is impossible in Tamino 2.3.1 (in also).

I will be grateful for suggestions.

Best regards
Leszek Andrzejczak

I’m not much of an expert on this but as far as
I am aware Tamino Sorts on UNICODE value.

They are working on something for a future version. Maybe someone else can answer this one.


Nigel Hutchison