I am not familiar with java.util.regex, but anything java.util is part of your Java environment. Are you trying to access a package that doesn’t exist? For example, let’s assume java.util.regex came out in Java 1.4. If you are trying to reference this package in a 1.3 environment, it isn’t going to work.
Is it absolutely necessary to use a Java service to accomplish your task? IS can do a lot with regex.
Sorry if this is redundant but are you sure that the server is running Java 1.4? The compile is done on the server, not on the machine running Developer.
That’s ok Rob Eamon, I’ll take another look at this, but the java service PSUtilities.regex:find that come with WM runs without any problem and it uses the import statement java.util.regex.*
Although #2 allows you to deploy jars with a package, I find it easier to keep track of where things are by using #1.
Note that these locations do not work for APIs that are part of an “endorsed” standard such as XML parsing (org.xml.sax for example). You will need to put these jars in your ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/endorsed directory. See the following for more info on this special case: