Problem posting XML to IS through HTTP


I am facing the following problem: I need to receive XML over HTTP and parse it then do some business logic with the received data.
I wrote a flow that does the Job first by loading an XML file from the local file system:
pub.file:getFile, then
pub.xml:xmlStringToXMLNode Then

All this works fine, now if I want to receive the file through http, the documentation says that IS will parse the document for me and pass it to the invoked service as a node. At this point, I need then, just to call
pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument by defining in the pipeline In an Object called Node

If I try to post my file (the exact same file I used with pub.file:getFile), my flow is failing and it looks like the received XML is not correct.

I am using an asp page to post my XML through MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP API

Do anyone have an idea about what could be the problem?


Just to complete the post: The flow is not failing at pub.xml.xmlNodeToDocument but after in the data processing logic meaning that something is wrong about the received XML.


Your XML receiving service input should be “node” object (casesensitive)and you are on the right track of using pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument this will take input node from the pipeline in the runtime and webMethods will parse it.

Also make sure before you are HTTP posting the XML using ASP you have to explicitly set Content-Type=“text/xml” in the code and so this helps webMethods processing work properly.

Always use search functionality provided in this site,since lot of threads have been discussed on this type of issues.this will save your time.


Thanks RMG,

I didn’t know about the “case sensitive” point!
