We are getting “no ocijdbc9 in java.library.path” when i configure and enable jdbc connection. We are using IS in IBM-AIX. I am not understanding why this error is coming. Can anyone guide me to configure jdbc connection for OCI driver in IBM-AIX?
Thanks and regards, Damien
I precise that our database is Oracle and I use the JDBC-Thin Drivers for Oracle 10g (ojdbc14.jar)
I find the problem !! The JDBC-Thin Drivers ojdbc14 was too old. I find the newest at : [URL=“JDBC Drivers | Oracle”]http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html[/URL]
If you are using JDBC 6.5 Adapter, you can change the OCI drivers to thin because as in JDBC 6.5 it supports CLOBS,BLOBS.