Prediction engine problem

hello evryone

i configured prediction engine ,Analytical engine,data collector evrything is running fine i was able to define a rule and see its results too.But the problem is

i was trying to use prediction engine for that i used prediction templates which is defined based on a rule and in the Administrator–>analysis–>prediction i can see that the rule has learned enough for prediction and i was also able to see the prediction engine (bulb like thing) in the monitor problems page but when i click on the prediction icon i get the follwing errror

[POP.001.0002] A “java.lang.NullPointerException” occurred with the Message “addPortletURL(null)”

i searched in the advantage site evrywhere but nothing was given on this .I am guessing this problem may be becz of not missing DBscripts in the database.But before reinstalling all the scripts i just want to know better solution for this


Check any error in prediction engine console/logs. Also did you configured prediction engine in your environment. Please check.

Hint: Prediction engine has to get update, please check the logs whether it is getting updates or not.

Hello Gopi

i configured prediction engine and in the admin—>server settings .i can c the prediction engine is configured and as mentioned above it is also able to learn from past rule violations. But the problem is when i was clicking on the prediction icon beside the rule violation in monitor— problems page. It gives me the above error

i checked the logs its only giving warnings what do you mean by getting updates.
